Jon Loomes


Traditional Folk Singer & Multi-instrumentalist

Jon sings and plays guitar in a variety of unusual tunings. He also plays fiddle, viola, mandolin, cittern, English concertina, melodeon, hurdy gurdy and piano among others. Available solo, in a duo with Tom Kitching or as part of the band 'Pilgrims' Way'.

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I'll think up something stirring for you to put on the website or wherever as an endorsement” - Martin Carthy


Composer & Arranger

Works for small ensembles or large orchestral forces. This piece was substantial enough to carpet the studio floor. The cat did not approve of the trumpet obligato at bar 247, so we had to buy a rug instead.

I continue to be amazed at the ability of Jon Loomes to bring the songs to life with such creativity and skill. ” - Eliza Delf